We’ve listed previous speakers and topics below. Our speakers are often internationally renowned experts and all have a passion for communicating their subject. If you would like further information on any of our previous or upcoming speakers, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at info@cafescientifiquehighcliffe.org.uk


“Relative harm of gambling products”. Presented by Dr Ruijie Wang and Dr Emily Arden-Close – Bournemouth University. 15th of January 2025.

Click here to see a recording of Ruijie and Emily’s talk.

Whooping cough vaccines: a century of good science and bad. Presented by David Miles, Tutor for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine. 20th of November 2024. 

Click here to see a recording of the David’s talk.

For further information on Vaccines, see David’s excellent book “How Vaccines Work”.

“Video streaming. How it works and where the technology is heading”. 16th of October 2024. 

Click here to see a recording of the talk

“National Coast Watch, Hengistbury Head. How it started and how it operates”. 18th of September 2024. 

Click here to see a recording of the talk.

“Monitoring the Environment from Space”. 17th of July 2024. Presented by Dr Robin Wilson. 

“Preparing for the next Tsunami”. 19th of June 2024. Presented by Trevor Guymer, formally from the National Oceanographic Centre.

Conserving the Wildlife of the Christchurch Harbour Area” 15th of May 2024. Presented by: Professor Chris Chapelo, Chair of Christchurch Ornithological Group.

Click here to see a recording of Chris’s talk.

“Air traffic control & NATS” 20th of March 2024. Presented by Wendy Howard Allen.

Click here to see a recording of Wendy’s talk.

Volcanoes: What’s going on beneath them? 21st of February 2024. Presented by Rex Taylor, Associate Professor in Volcanic Geochemistry, Southampton University.

“Atmosphere and the Weather: The physics and processes driving our weather. 17th of January 2024. Presented by Peter J Sell.

A link to a recoding of Peter’s presentation will be posted here when it is available.

“Dark Skies: The Right Light at night”. 15th of November 2023. Presented by Steve Tonkin, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and Adviser to the Cranborne Chase International Dark Sky Reserve.

Click here to see a recording of Steve’s presentation.

eTransport – Designing for active travel”. 18th of October 2023. Presented by Helen Littler.

Click here to see a recording of Helen’s presentation

“Navigation: Charts to Computers”. Wednesday the 20th of September.  Presented by Captain Ernie Ball.

“Biodiversity in Christchurch Harbour“. Wednesday the 19th of July.  Presented by Robin Harley, Countryside Officer and Becky King, Heathland Mitigation Ranger.

“Digital Identities – the death of the passport?” – Wednesday the 17th of May 2023, presented by Roger Edwards.
Click here to see a recording of Roger’s presentation.

“Wildlife in the New Forest”. Wednesday the 5th of March. Presented by Marcus Ward, Director – Wild New Forest

Click here for more information on the not-for-profit organisation Wild  New Forest.
Click here to see a recording of Marcus’s presentation. 

Click here for more information on the not for profit organisation 

“Big Bang to Big Crunch (Black Holes)”. Wednesday the 15th of February. Presented by Peter J Sell.

Click here to view a recording of Peter’s presentation.

Click here to view additional information on “The end of everything”

“BrainFit, Healthy eating for a healthy brain”. Wednesday the 18th of January. Presented by Professor Jane Murphy and Dr Sophia Doyo Amenyah – Bournemouth University

The Science of Chocolate”. Wednesday the 17th of November. Presented by Professor Christian Orner- Salt Co.


“The Challenges and Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles”. Wednesday the 19th of October. Presented by Professor Andy Cruden- Southampton University

Click here to view a recording of Professor Cruden’s presentation.

“A fungi year in the New Forest”. Presented by Professor Russell Wynn – Wild New Forest 21st of September 2022

Click here to view a recording of Professor Wynn’s presentation.

“Misusing hormones in sport and leisure”.  Presented by Professor Richard Holt- University of Southampton. Wednesday the 20th of July 2022.

Click here to view a recording of Professor Holt’s presentation. Please not that due to a technical issue, the last few minutes are missing and have been replaced with the slides only.

“Cockpits – Past to future” presented by Captain Ernie Ball – Former Pilot and instructor. Wednesday the 15th of June 2022.

Click here to view a recording of Ernie’s presentation.

 “How will we heat our homes in the future?” presented by Derek Chant, Domestic Energy Assessor. Wednesday the 18th of May 2022.

Click here to view a recording of Derek’s presentation.

Wednesday the 16th of March 2022: “The Science of sewage – how water is recycled”: presented by Timothy Stevens – Wessex Water.

Click here to view a recording of Tim’s presentation.

Click here to view the responses Tim gathered for the questions he didn’t feel qualified to answer.

“Oxygen , the missing link in the Hydrogen economy”: presented by Professor Andrea Russell – University of Southampton. Wednesday the 16th of February 2022.

“Alcohol – our favourite poison”: presented by Professor Julia Sinclair – University of Southampton. Wednesday the 19th of January 2022.

Click here to view a recording of Julia’s presentation.

“Inkjet fabrication and 3D printing”: presented by: Stewart Partridge. Thursday the 18th of November 2021.

Click here to view a recording of Stewart’s presentation.

Nature based solutions to climate change”: presented by: Professor Rick Stafford. Thursday the 21st of September 2021.

Click here to view a recording of Rick’s presentation.

5G Mobile – What is it and why the fuss”: presented by Dr Geof Haigh. Thursday the 16th of August 2021

Click here to view Geof’s presentation

Why weren’t we warned? Preventing the next disaster”: presented by Professor Brian Golding, co-chair of the World Meteorological Organisations’s High Impact Weather project. Thursday July 15th 2021

Carbon removal using waste to achieve net zero”: presented by Brian Reynolds. Thursday June 2021

Brian was raised in Highcliffe and was a founding shareholder and director of Standard Gas Technologies Ltd.  SGT have developed a ground breaking advanced thermal conversion technology that turns all wastes into a clean fossil fuel substitute gas and a carbon char, producing clean green carbon negative energy.

Click here to view a recording of Brian’s presentation

 BlueHealth – how “blue spaces” can improve our health and well-being: presented by Dr James Grellier. Thursday May 20th 7:00pm 2021.

Dr Grellier is an epidemiologist and environmental scientist with an interest in understanding the effects of the environment on human health. Over the past two decades, he has worked on quantifying the effects of a wide range of environmental stressors on health including drinking water contaminants, radiation, and air pollution, and on environmental justice issues in central Europe.

Click here to view a recording of James’s presentation

 “A Career In Chemistry? Are you serious!”

Presented by Dr Eric Hartmann fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Thursday the 18th of March 2021

Click here to view a recording of Eric’s presentation.

“Our Cyborg future”:  presented by Kevin Warwick Emeritus Professor of Reading and Coventry Universities and presenter of  Royal Institution Christmas lectures. Thursday the 18th of February 2021

Click here to view a recording of Kevin’s presentation.

“Lyme Disease”: presented by Michael Cook.  Michael he has spent the last 10 years researching many aspects of the disease and has published articles about Lyme disease in a number of prestigious medical journals. Thursday January 21st  2021

Click here for to view a recording of Michael’s presentation.

 “Have you been Phished?”:   Ryan Delmo, Principal Security Incident Analyst at Bournemouth University. Thursday 19th of November 2020 (Virtual meeting).

Click here for a copy of Ryan’s slides.

Click here to view a recording of Ryans presentation.

Bees and Honey with special reference to Asian Hornets – Peter Davies Regional Bee Inspector, Southern Region – National Bee Unit. Thursday 15th of October 2020

Click here to view a recording of  Peter’s  presentation.

 “Digital and technological advances in primary care” – Dr Ravin Ramtohal. Thursday 17th of September 2020 (Virtual meeting).

 Click here to view a recording of  Dr Ramtohal’s  presentation.  

Rosalind Franklin and the DNA double helix – Professor Brian Sutton, King’s College London. Thurs. 16th July 2020 (virtual meeting):

Gravitational Wave Astronomy – Professor Ian Jones, University of Southampton. Thurs. 18th June 2020 (virtual meeting).

Click here to view a recording of Professor Jones’  presentation.  

Air quality sensors as part of your community – Dr Steven J Ossont, University of Southampton. Thurs. 21st May 2020 (virtual meeting).

Climate change in the Bournemouth area – Emeritus Professor Vincent May. Thurs. 20th February  2020.

Conserving crop diversity: From the Arctic Circle to the Dorset coast Presented by Jane Toll, who worked for the Global Crop Diversity Trust, which stores seeds in the “Doomsday vault” in Svalbard in Norway. 16th January 2020.

Smarter Vehicles, Presented by Professor Andrew Cruden, University of Southampton. The electric vehicle future?

A Ticket to Tokyo: the importance of sport psychology.  Presented by Dr Emma Kavanagh and Lucy Shuker. A practitioner and competitor perspective. 17th October 2019.

Droning on, presented by Simon Brown. A positive guide to drones. 19th September 2019

1Researching with children. Presented by Dr Margaret Fletcher. A journey through engineering, physiological, methodological and ethical challenges. 8th July 2019.

Why record wildlife? Presented by Robin Harley.  20th of June 2019.

“Exploring the rich diversity of our local wildlife, the ins and outs of wildlife record keeping techniques, their value and importance”.

As requested, Robin has kindly supplied the following links related to his presentation.

Christchurch Countryside service face book page  https://www.facebook.com/ChristchurchCountrysideService/?ref=bookmarks

Living record:  https://www.livingrecord.net/

DERC has a website here: http://www.derc.org.uk/general/welcome.htm

ARC trust has a website and facebook page for reptile and amphibian information: https://www.arc-trust.org/

Birds of Poole Harbour main website is here: https://www.birdsofpooleharbour.co.uk/

CHOG also have an excellent webpage with daily bird sighting in Christhchurch Harbour and surrounding and the barn owl cam: https://www.chog.org.uk/

Hantsmoths can be found here – it has a useful flying tonight section, so you know the most common moths at any time of year which can speed up identification: http://www.hantsmoths.org.uk/

Dorset Fungus group also has a website and runs regular forays: https://www.dorsetfungusgroup.com/

The Friends of St Catherine’s Hill has an annual events programme: http://fsch.org.uk/ and is only £3 to join

“Is it possible to build a star on earth?” Presented by Dr Kate Lancaster. 16th of May 2019

“How, in the absence of a lab the size of a star, we are attempting to make fusion into an energy source for the future”.

Forensic Science. What it is, how findings are verified and casework examples”. Presented by Dr John Twibell. 21st of March 2019:

 “How your Sat-Nav works. Daily confirmation of Einstein’s theories of relativity”. Presented by Captain Ernie Ball. 21st of February 2019.

“Originally developed for military use, Global Positioning Systems have become part of our daily lives. How do they work? Why should you be worried if they stop?”

 “The Smartphone: More than just a neat little gadget. The Smartphone is not just another gadget, it’s a marvel of technical achievement”. Presented by Dr Geof Haighuld. 17th of January 2019

“It has changed our lives. It has changed the way we interact with other people, the way we obtain information, the way we amuse ourselves and the way we work. It is on course to become the most popular invention since the wheel and the matchstick.”

“Should all brewing be organic? The impact of modern brewing techniques on beer flavour”.  Presented by Neil Hodgkinson, Owner and Head Brewer at Drop the Anchor Brewery. 15th of November 2018.

“The ales of Drop the Anchor are ‘unfined’ and you will no doubt be wanting to know what this means. Well it means they are suitable for vegans but there is a lot more to it than that and omnivores will be just as interested to sample these interesting brews”.

“Why sharks prevent climate change. The need for a new view of ocean management”. Presented by Rick Stafford, Professor of Marine Biology and Conservation at Bournemouth University. 18th of October 2018:

“Examining the connections between what lives in the sea, the vital role the ocean plays in protecting the planet and why sharks and whales are key players in the fight against climate change”.

 “The power of bubbles”. Presented by Nikhil Mistry, Postgraduate Researcher in Underwater Acoustics   Southampton University 20th of September 2018.

“Bubble acoustics has a number of powerful applications in the ocean, industry, medicine and defence. This talk will cover a few of the applications, with particular focus on recent research into novel sonar techniques to improve active sonar in bubble-filled environments”